Yep, for ten glorious days Chad and I were thousands of miles away from life at home, enjoying exploring London and Scotland. Ten days flew by for us (probably not as quickly for Gramma & Grampa though!). It was such a welcomed break from everything, not to mention we had an incredible time.
I know everyone is different, but for me, I need a break from feeding little humans round the clock, changing diapers endlessly and bedtime routines. That, and I think it’s healthy (and important) for Chad and me to take time for ourselves as a couple without thinking/discussing our children constantly. Nothing does that better than being thousands of miles away from home, totally unplugged from life for a bit. It was SUCH a needed break for us.
As I mentioned, we spent five days in London and five days in the highlands of Scotland. It was a trip Chad had earned through being so AWESOME at work. 🙂 Much like our previous trips to Santa Barbara and Kauai. These trips are great because a majority of the planning is done for you and you pick and choose what you want to do. For those of us who are constantly planning everything, it too is a welcome advantage.
London was a beautiful city, crazy busy and huge, but I loved the old mixed in with the new and the Brits couldn’t have been nicer. I love all things history, so this was totally, pardon the pun, my cup of tea. I especially enjoyed their culture of having a pint (or three) at 10am, noon, 5pm, 10pm…whenever. Ahhhh vacation. We were able to see most the big sights in our short time there, our favorites being a day trip to Windsor Castle and our private cocktail reception at The Tower of London on our last evening there.
From London we took the train north and spent the day in Edinburgh, Scotland, which was magical. Seriously was something out of a fairy tale or Harry Potter novel. We were bummed we only had a few hours to explore there.
We spent the next few days at the Gleneagles Resort. For you golfing fans, this is where last years Ryder Cup was played. The resort was amazing, old, classic and surrounded by the beautiful Scottish countryside. Chad golfed around the clock and I enjoyed the much slower pace than London. I took walks, felt very Downtown Abbey with high-tea, spa’d it and my most favorite, took a Falconry and Gun Dog course. It was surprisingly amazing for a girl who hates birds, has a terribly trained dog and could never endure a hunt of anything. In Scotland, they still hunt using birds of prey and dogs (retrievers), so the course showed how each are trained and how they behave on the hunts. It was all really interesting and ironic, considering my gun dog (Pete, an English Springer Spaniel) is afraid of guns, thunder and fireworks. Anyway…the last night there we had a traditional Scottish feast meaning everything was smoked salmon and Haggis, which meant most of us ordered room service later.
The last two days of the trip Chad and I spent on our own in Glasgow. Glasgow was surprisingly modern but really a nice, clean, friendly city. Our last day we took a train north to the highlands to a town on Loch Lomond, where we took a ferry across to a tiny little picturesque village called Luss. It was founded in like the 600’s, which made it really old. It was surrounded by both the Loch and these enormous green mountains. We didn’t have much time to spend there unfortunately but it was probably one of my most favorite days of the trip.
Meanwhile, back in Indiana, our kids were great for Gramma and Grampa. Actually, they were better for them than they ever are for us! Elena never cried except for the time we tried to Skype with her (phones always scare her, we should’ve known!) and Cal didn’t even know we were gone. We came home so excited to see the kids and Cal cried, then went about his business and Elena wanted nothing to do with anyone except her Daddy. So much for a welcome home!
But in all reality, it was great to unplug for a bit in an amazing location. We felt so grateful for not only Chad’s job and employer, but for the great family at home who helped with the kids so we could get away. When life at home is constantly chaos, Chad and I can often fall off the priority list. Getting away from everything, is great for our relationship and is good for the kids to experience a little separation from us too.

Tower of London Reception

Bird Skills

Golf skills
Windsor Castle
Luss, Scotland

Edinburgh, Scotland

Pubs, Pubs, Pubs

Representing the Buchanan Family (my Mom’s maiden name) on Buchanan Street in Glasgow, which happens to be where all the shopping is…just sayin’…it’s in my blood 🙂
Tower Bridge, London
Last night at Gleneagles, Scotland
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland