
Santa Barbara

July 8, 2013

Boy, am I backed up on blogging.  I feel like I have about five posts I need to publish!

I’ll start with our trip a few weeks ago to Santa Barbara, California.  Each year Chad’s company rewards those on their sales team who exceed their goals, with a fabulous trip.  Chad and I went out for a few days and came back wondering why exactly we live in Indiana!  I mean the Midwest is great and all, but I’m pretty sure I found my little piece of heaven.  It’s a beautiful part of the country with the most ideal weather.  I would assume that’s why real estate costs what it does out there!

Anyway, we enjoyed laying by the pool, amazing food and the great people that Chad works with.  Laney was great for my Mom and Dad, which helped us relax all the more.

 Chad’s ugly catch

 I hate running but I’m pretty sure I would run this path every day!

 Part of the crew on the last night

 We’re soooooo Hollywood!

Some more of our friends, you know Sammy, Dean, Frank and Marilyn.

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This is Elena. Our Light. You can see all the goodness and joy that shines from those deep blue eyes. She loves sneezes, yawns, industrial toilet flushes, automatic paper towel dispensers and The Star Spangled Banner. Music is her everything, specifically Moana, Frozen (really all Disney), Queen & Taylor Swift. Nothing makes her squeal quite like swimming, fast boat rides and her two brothers in trouble. In addition to her megawatt smile, Elena reminds us to cherish the smallest of victories, to live in the present, and to daily dwell in a posture of gratitude for every breath and every blessing.  

More About Our Story

I’m Emmalee, an ordinary gal born and raised in the Heartland. Wife to Chad, and Mom to Elena, Calvin & Turner, I spend most my days ridin’ dirty (literally so much trash) in my minivan carting kids to and fro. When I’m not being a Momager, I excel at self-care, cooking gourmet meals my kids won’t eat and deep-diving all the feelings. Most days, my attitude is gratitude, just taking life one step at a time.

Emmalee & Elena

Meet The Gals