What a wild couple weeks it’s been. Summer is flying by and we’re trying to keep up. Though it’s been busy, we’ve had so much fun the past few weeks. With only two weeks left before Elena’s fall schedule begins, we’re going to enjoy a little bit of free time after this wild summer!
We celebrated Elena’s birthday last weekend. She had a “splash bash”, where we invited her family and buddies to the park close to our house that has a splash park. One of Elena’s wheelchairs is perfect for pushing her through the fountains and she loves it. We all had so much fun watching the kids run wild! The party was a success and we all came home exhausted!
Elena’s last week of camp at the Jackson Center was Thursday. She had SO much fun this summer. I’m so glad she was able to manage the full day schedule without being to exhausted. Every day when I would pick her up, her aide would tell me how much fun she had and how chatty she was. Elena totally loves being social. They had three different field trips over the last few weeks. The last one was to Bradford Woods, a great camp in southern Indiana. The kids went hiking, canoeing and fishing. Some got to go down an adapted zip line, shoot slingshots and a few did archery. We were so glad for the this experience for Elena. It gives her a little more independence and freedom to do all these fun activities on her own with her friends without Mom hanging around. She’s had such a fun summer!
The next two weeks we hope to enjoy some pool time, if the weather cooperates at all, maybe a trip to the Children’s Museum and the zoo if we’re lucky. Our days get long if we don’t keep busy. Once school starts and Elena is back at the Jackson Center, we’ll be lucky ever to have a “free” day so we’d better pack it in now!

Elena on the bus headed to her field trip

1st fish!
Elena at the Splash Park
Cal liked his sister’s cupcakes!