The first stressful appointment of the month went very smoothly last week. Thanks for all your sweet messages and prayers! Elena handled the injections much better than I did (per usual). Luckily, Chad was working from home that day and was able to go to the appointment with me. So while I was trying to calm Elena, he could calm me 🙂
They injected her four times in her inner thighs. Chad and I noticed results the next morning when changing her diaper. I can’t tell you how difficult a task it can be when her legs are are locked and extended. It was amazing to see her little legs flop around without much resistance! We call it being “Loosey Goosey!” Over the last week, we have been in awe of the difference four little injections have made. Now we just have to work on strengthening those muscles with therapy!
We enjoyed some relaxation this past week too. We were lucky to spend some time with Chad’s best friend and his family up at their lakehouse in Charlevoix, Michigan. They live on the west coast so we don’t get to see them very often, but it was great to relax and enjoy! It was officially our first family vacation. Elena did great with the 7 hour drive and enjoyed the view from the deck at each feeding.

Our view
Laney’s first boat ride…she LOVED it!
Erin & Holden with Laney & me boating to lunch
Another answer to prayer has been Elena’s reflux. For whatever reason (I’ll chalk it up to your prayers!), we’ve seen a big improvement. While she still struggles with the “refluxing”, she’s had only one small vomit in the last week. We were getting used to one a day, so that’s a HUGE improvement!
She has a Neurology appointment next week that we’ll need your prayers for. And keep praying for her swallow study at the end of the month. She had a terrible speech appointment last week, which of course gets me even more anxious for her swallow study. So pray, pray, pray!
Last but not least……..they have arrived. Elena’s teeth that is! She finally cut her first tooth and is working on #2 and #3! It only took 13 months 🙂 In true Laney form, she’s pretty indifferent about them, doesn’t fuss and not too much extra slobber. Always cool as a cucumber, that girl!