One day last week I got my daily devotional via email per usual, it has really stuck with me. It was a story about a woman complaining about all the troubles in her life to God. She decided to take a different approach instead, praising God for all her blessings. Quite frankly, I don’t really remember how it all turned out for her but her approach has remained on my mind.
I’ve been walking through the past few days with a heart of gratitude. I’m taking a hiatus from my prayers being consumed by frantic ‘needs’ or requests, but only by praise. It almost certainly leaves me in tears each time. But they are happy tears. It is so hard to believe that after everything we’ve been through, our blessings are honestly so abundant. It can be so tempting to constantly ask God for what I want but when I consider everything that I already have, it can all seem so little.
Now, I’m sure I’ll be slipping in a “God, if you could just….”, but the last few days my heart feels so much more full when I’m not emphasizing my problems to God. Plus, maybe He’ll appreciate my shorter request list and be more inclined to answer them 🙂 I’m certain that’s not how He works, but that’s the human in me!
Today I’m unbelievable grateful for this sweet spirit and beautiful baby girl. She has enriched our lives incredibly in just two years. She endures far more than I could ever imagine, but is almost always happy. For that, I am so, so grateful.