
Three Months

July 27, 2014

Our little Cal turned three months old yesterday!  Time is flying in the Hinton household.  We will be soaking up every last bit of the summer and our “free” time the next couple weeks.

Cal is a dream baby.  I know we said that about Elena, but dare I say that Cal may even be more laid back than she was?  He’s so funny, sweet, smiley and easy-going.  He’s such a champ when Elena and I drag him everywhere to all of her appointments.  Cal has two big dimples that he loves to show off and Mommy loves to see them.  He’s full of smiles these days and my (hilarious) jokes are pretty close to securing his first giggle.  He has discovered his hands this month.  He loves to put them together and stare at them like he’s not quite sure that they are his.  He is totally into ceiling fans, mirrors and his “Freddy the Firefly”.  All around he’s just the most precious little thing that we all adore.

Elena loves her little brother.  She loves when we have him give her kisses and hugs.  It automatically makes her giggle.  We often have them laying down next to one another and ask her to look at Calvin…to which she immediately smiles and looks in his direction.  It warms our hearts to know that she understands he’s her brother and that she obviously loves the little guy.  It’s a best friendship in the making!

July has brought us everything in three’s…Elena turned three, I turned 30, and Calvin turned three months….perhaps we should have played the lottery this month with the number 3!

Our handsome little guy!

Sitting together in their Bumbo seats!

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This is Elena. Our Light. You can see all the goodness and joy that shines from those deep blue eyes. She loves sneezes, yawns, industrial toilet flushes, automatic paper towel dispensers and The Star Spangled Banner. Music is her everything, specifically Moana, Frozen (really all Disney), Queen & Taylor Swift. Nothing makes her squeal quite like swimming, fast boat rides and her two brothers in trouble. In addition to her megawatt smile, Elena reminds us to cherish the smallest of victories, to live in the present, and to daily dwell in a posture of gratitude for every breath and every blessing.  

More About Our Story

I’m Emmalee, an ordinary gal born and raised in the Heartland. Wife to Chad, and Mom to Elena, Calvin & Turner, I spend most my days ridin’ dirty (literally so much trash) in my minivan carting kids to and fro. When I’m not being a Momager, I excel at self-care, cooking gourmet meals my kids won’t eat and deep-diving all the feelings. Most days, my attitude is gratitude, just taking life one step at a time.

Emmalee & Elena

Meet The Gals