As “summer” comes to a close, I figured it would be a good time to recap the last couple months. Seeing that I can barely eek out a blog post a month (sorry all you lovely, patient readers!), there’s actually been quite a bit to fill in. In fact, I can’t believe Elena starts school TODAY….didn’t school just recess?
Elena had an awesome time at the Jackson Center’s summer camp. They did such a great job with it this year. She came home eager to share with us her day and completely exhausted, both good signs! It ended mid-July, so the last three weeks we have been….counting down the days until school starts. School. WOOOOOHOOOOO! I mean, I’m excited for Elena to get back to her normal routine of full days at school (Calvin too!) so that we can all have a normal life again. Ha! But really, summer is great for about 4 weeks and then the last 3-4 really test me in every sense of the word.
Having two immobile children and one preschooler makes it hard for my one-woman show to get out of the house during our days at home. I’ve been fortunate to have a sitter this summer who has helped me juggle my circus so that appointments could be had, therapies could continue and my sanity could be maintained, quite frankly. I’m serious though, it’s nearly impossible for me to take all three kids anywhere by myself. I have to push a stroller and a wheelchair (Elena is now too big for the double stroller) at the same time, while Calvin toddles along beside us. People, it just doesn’t work. So, we’ve been pretty cooped and the mom-guilt hits hard when we do the SAME THING EVERY DAY and I pray and pray that nap time rolls around. So yes, I welcome Elena back into her busy school routine where she gets pushed and stimulated and has fun activities all day long.
Elena is doing Kindergarten part deux, as I like to say…aka she’s repeating Kindy. We kind of had this planned when she started last year, seeing that she had just turned five and would be one of the youngest in her class, not mention her developmental delays. She had such a great year socially and therapeutically but we weren’t as pleased with her academic progress, so we made the call to do a repeat, having great hope that she’ll be in such a better prepared for first grade next year. We have a ton of confidence in her team and have SUCH a better idea of what to expect. We are a little less naive and a lot more prepared so here’s to a good Kindy part deux!
So yeah, that’s that.
Two weeks ago, my parents packed up 38 years of life at our home on Shadow Hill Court and made the voyage all the way to the northside of Indy (ha!). It was a really hard goodbye, to their neighbors (most of whom have been there as long as my parents), to the house and the trove of memories that envelope that home. Walking through the empty house was surreal. Memories of family dinners, knee football in the hallway, whiffle ball in the yard, helping Mom wallpaper my bedroom as a girl, Christmas mornings (and Christmas present sneak peeking in Dad’s closet) all came to life in my head. A majority of my 33 years of life occurred between those walls, and saying goodbye was tough. Tears were shed, hugs were given and we packed them up and moved them out. It’s so nice to have my parents close, though. Just knowing they’re a few minutes away, spontaneous drop-ins and dinners now possible, is exciting. A new chapter in the Frey family begins.
Rewind to about a month ago…
At the beginning of July, Chad and I were fortunate to jet off on a vacation to celebrate the wedding of some good friends….in ITALY! It was a dream trip. We spent half of it with some of our best friends eating (and drinking…hellooooo vinooo!) our way through Northern Italy. The second half, Chad and I spent a few days to ourselves on the Italian Riveria, hiking, sailing, eating and yes, more wine. It was a wonderful trip and time for us to unplug from life to just enjoy the simple things…friends, food, wine in a magical setting. And yes, the kids did just fine with our families…or so they told us, anyway! Take me back!

In the middle of camps, traveling, moves and more, we managed to celebrate Elena’s 6th birthday and my 33rd birthday (though I don’t really remember “celebrating” my birthday). We are celebrating our 8th anniversary today and have Turner’s 1st birthday right around the corner (what?!?!?!), and before we know it, it will be fall. The kids are getting bigger every time I look at them. Some days are hard, some are full of laughs and joy. It’s been such a beautiful summer. For me at this stage of life, I like appreciating the moment, but always looking forward to the future and what new memories can be made. Our life is nuts but mostly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.