Three years ago today Chad and I were introduced to our darling baby girl at 11:57am. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was our Elena Catherine.
The last three years have gone by in the blink of an eye, yet we have lived so much. When I think back to the day Elena was born, there is no way I ever could have imagined our lives this way. I had pictured her saying her first words, taking her first steps, sending her off to kindergarten, getting her drivers license, graduating from high school, college, picking out her wedding dress together. I never envisioned therapy, leg braces, tube feedings, wheelchairs. I never could have known that day that this would be our future together.
That’s life though. It isn’t always what we imagined. Bad things happen, even to good people. Even to innocent people. But just because it isn’t the storybook I had conjured up in my head, it’s a beautiful life nonetheless.
Today we are celebrating life. Something so fragile, so fleeting, so taken for granted. As I’ve said in the past, birthdays have a different meaning in our house. It isn’t just about presents, parties and cake. It’s about another year of life. Elena’s life. A life that was so close to being taken from us. A heart that had stopped. Breath that had ceased. We are blessed to celebrate another year of smiles, laughs, love and happiness with our girl.
Elena has the sweetest spirit. Her giggle is contagious. She loves music, though she has poor taste (Pandora Toddler Tunes, anyone?!)! She loves walks, being read to, silly noises, swimming, swinging, songs from Frozen and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She amazes us every day with her resilience and perseverance. She fills our hearts with pure joy and reminds us of what is truly important in life. Happy 3rd birthday to our love, our shining light, our Elena.