All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.
— Abraham Lincoln
For my Mom’s present this year, I had our good friend Sam take pictures of our four generations. The pictures turned out great and I know we’ll cherish these shots forever. These two special women have set the best possible example for me of what a Mother should be.
My Mamaw is quick to make you laugh with her ornery personality, but covers her family in prayer every day of her life. She raised triplets and my Mom, who was born 14 months later, all while working hard every day on the farm. She was the epitome of a working mom. How she did it without disposable diapers, bouncy chairs and Sesame Street, I’ll never understand!
My Mom is the happiest person I know. She has a servant’s heart, and is always doing something for someone else. She raised us three kids to be happy people, with tender hearts and a love of God and family. She has always been there for us when we’ve needed her and is always our biggest cheerleader. I’m so thankful for her!

Happy Mother’s Day!