I wanted to give my honey a little recognition today on the blog. He generally doesn’t enjoy any kind of public acknowledgement of himself, it makes him really uncomfortable. He is a fly under the radar kind of guy. But, just this once I want to brag on him…just a little 🙂
Our anniversary is coming up a little later this summer. I once heard someone say that your wedding is only the beginning. It’s the beginning of a lifetime of ups and downs, joys and sorrows. I knew on my wedding day that I was marrying my best friend, someone I could always depend on and who always (well, mostly) laughed at my jokes. It’s funny though, I knew all that but it has really been special to see all of what I “knew”, be put into action. I, without a doubt, believe that God put Chad in my life because He knew that Chad would be the perfect person for me to walk through life with.
Chad is the glue to our family. He keeps us grounded, when I’m overly emotional. He always has some ridiculously positive quote to reassure me when I’m feeling blue. He can make Elena and me laugh until our cheeks hurt. He is the strength to my weaknesses. He works so incredibly hard at his job to provide so that I can continue to stay home and work with Elena. For Chad, our family always, always comes first.
And to Elena. Gosh, is he the best Dad. I’ll never forget seeing him the first time he held her when she was born. I feel like I saw his heart change before my very eyes. It is such a joy to me when I see them together. He is the definition of a hands-on Dad, taking an active role in every aspect of her care. I often have to remind him that she is up 30 minutes past her bedtime, just because Daddy wants to hold her. Seeing how much he loves her makes my heart burst.
He understands when I need a break or am tired and takes over without hesitation. I am so thankful to have a loving, caring, understanding partner in all of this. I cannot even imagine having to walk this journey without him. And Elena just may be the luckiest little girl in the world to have a Daddy who loves her to a million pieces.
We love you more than words can say Chaddy. Happy Father’s Day to a very deserving Father! You’re the best!