I want to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there. I’m blessed to have a wonderful Dad myself, and just as thankful to have Chad. Chad is the rock of our family, our glue, our calm. He is everything to our family that I am not. He is the best partner. He also does not like any recognition, so at the very minimum I get today to brag about how wonderful of a Dad he is.
Our favorite time of day is when Daddy walks through the door. The kids squeal in excitement, including Pete, whenever we hear the garage door open. After a long, busy day at work, Chad always steps right into Daddy duty. He never asks for a break, nothing ever for himself. He can barely change out of his suit quickly enough before Cal attacks him. Elena giggles uncontrollably when Chad announces he’s going to give her “Daddy Kisses” and Cal just wants to be held. I love being able to watch it all unfold. Chad is everything to all of us. With everything he has on his plate on any given day, you will never hear him complain or ask for time to himself. Family is always first, he always puts himself last.
We were tested as parents soon after we became parents. Our journey in parenthood changed instantly. Through it all, he has been my partner and a devoted Dad. I would never have made it through without him. It has been so wonderful to watch Chad grow as a dad. I never could have imagined our life like this and all the joy that we’ve been blessed to experience by having Cal and Elena. Seeing him as a Dad and love that our kids have for him is more than I ever could have hoped for. We love you so, so much Chad Daddy. You’re simply the best.

And one of my Daddy with his Grandkids!