We’ve hit the ground running this week. The past two weeks have been such a nice reprieve. We actually had play dates, and zoo dates, and let’s do whatever we want days. Which for us, never happens. We were busy but good busy, not run around from appointment to appointment busy, which was a great change of pace. This week, back to reality. Summer schedule is in full swing.
I want to first say thank you to all the kind messages I received on my last post. It was actually a really great response, which I appreciated. Typically when I have any kind of “I’m struggling….this is sad…life stinks sometimes” posts, I (really, Chad) get flooded with concerned responses and people thinking I’ve gone off the deep end. And while knowing that people love and are concerned for us is nice, that’s not always the most helpful response. I received several notes from wonderful people just saying, “me, too” (which fellow Traders Pointers can appreciate!). I can’t tell you how much I appreciate when people share their experiences with me and come along side me to tell me they struggle with similar things too….even if their life situation is totally different. It makes me feel like I’m not out on crazy island, there’s others there too! 🙂
So, thank you! Thanks for understanding that this blog isn’t about how grand life is or that I’m always Positive Polly and just want to share my ups. To me, this is my life..the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. No false pretenses here, folks. You get me in all my honest, over sharing! 🙂
Another giant thank you is needed for all you wonderful people who continue to follow our family. An amazing, nearly $5,000 was raised by all you generous folks for Elena’s Walking for Dreams. FIVE THHHHHH-OUSAND dollars! Our family could never thank you all enough for your generosity in supporting Elena and the people who bring our family hope. So a giant hug to all of you who donated on behalf of our girl. You’re all awesome.
Elena finished up her spring swimming program last weekend, which I explained was why we couldn’t actually participate in the walking part of Walking for Dreams. I promised you all a video of how much she loved swimming. And of course, since I promised, Elena decided to only perform a fraction of the excitement when Dad pulled out his camera to capture it for me. So, below is a video of a semi-excited Elena swimming. You’ll have to turn up the sound to hear her squeals and it’s a little dark, but you’ll get the idea. Good news is, she starts swimming again today with her PT and OT from school for the summer. She did this the past two summers and loves it equally as much. We are so glad she is able to do things she loves!
And to round out these random thoughts I’m sharing with you today, I must end with a giant, huge, enormous prayer request. My apologies in advance for the somewhat vague-ness of the following prayer request…I just don’t have a ton of information right now so will be sharing with you as it becomes clear to us.
We suffered a major setback with Elena this week. You may remember that she had to have surgery on her left hip back in November 2014. It was pretty terrible. But even though we had to travel to New Jersey for the surgery, it was way less terrible than the alternative surgery recommended to us. Well, her right hip has suddenly…and I mean SUDDENLY….entered the we-need-surgery-immediately phase. As you can imagine, surgery on your child is always dreadful and then you sprinkle in the fact that I’m having a baby in a little more than two months, Elena’s to start Kindergarten exactly two months and the timing of all this just couldn’t be more awful…..we need major prayers. I’ve had my major Mom freak out already and have been praying fervently for peace, calm, peace, calm and more peace and calm. These things are always a thousand moving parts and I just don’t know how this one is going to turn out. But, I know it’s in my Father’s hands and per usual He is in control (not me). So just keep our baby girl on your prayer list. Pray that her hip can “hang steady” and not worsen before we can figure all this out. Pray for Chad and I to be calm in the midst of a thousand reasons to panic. And pray for the doctors, insurance, travel details to all be worked out (this always tends to be the miraculous part).
As I said, we don’t really have any other information besides her hip needs surgery and that there’s one doctor in the world who we trust with it. Everything else is up in the air.
We so appreciate all your love and prayers. I’ll let you know if/when things change. In the meantime, I’ll be alternating between phone calls and prayers.