I’m struggling to believe that my little baby boy is turning ONE today! It’s hard to remember that a year ago today, I was enormous carrying a 9lb. 7oz. Calvin. What a special day that was. We knew our lives would be changed, but how this boy has blessed our lives this past year, we never could have imagined.
Calvin has been the best kid from day one. Sure, we’ve had our moments, but overall he’s been a dream baby. He’s a great sleeper, a good eater, and the most easy-going little guy. He has happily gone EVERYWHERE possible with us this past year. He’s tagged along to every doctor appointment, therapy session, equipment fitting and errand never having a meltdown or protest. It hasn’t always been easy, but he’s made the transition to two kiddos the easiest he could have. I’m SO thankful for his personality.
Even though we had to work overtime to get him to smile initially, he loves to smile, giggle and ham it up at every chance. He’s a busy boy who loves to play and move. He pushes his elephant all over this house, maneuvering around every piece of furniture with ease. Just like his sister, he thinks most silly noises are hilarious. And fittingly, we’ve officially determined that his first word is “achoo”. If you know our family well, then you’d know that sneezes are a a big deal around here. Elena giggles uncontrollably any time anyone sneezes, so appropriately Cal now says “Achoo” and laughs, proving this sweet little guy is a perfect piece to our family!
What a special boy you are, Calvin Merrick! We love you so!!
Our Cal-boy had a Cowboy theme party
His new wheels