How is our sweet little guy growing so FAST? Gosh, six months have gone by in the blink of an eye. He has changed so much in the last few months. I see his one-year pictures and think he looks like such a baby! It makes your head spin to realize how much happens in just a year and a half of life!
At 18 months, we pinch ourselves to believe that this tender-hearted, funny, loving, thumb-sucking boy is ours. It is an honor to be able to watch him grow, change and emerge as the precious little guy that he is. There’s no way I could ever say that and truly mean it, if we were in a different situation. It is such a blessing to be able to have an appreciation for that. One that most parents take for granted.
I’m finding it hard to describe how much fun Cal brings to our family. Sure, he can be whiny, impatient and throw a heck of a tantrum if you take away his (SISTER’S) Ipad. But, overall he is joy. Not a joy, but joy. It is true what they say, you love your children the same, but appreciate them for the different little people they are. Calvin keeps us all laughing. Elena adores him. And he adores her. His first word in the morning is “sissy”. And he loves giving Elena kisses before bed time. Watching them together literally makes my heart burst. I hold so much hope in their relationship and it’s beautiful to see it unfold.
Currently, Cal is loving apples, airplanes, golf, words (of all kinds…yikes!), Mickey Mouse and peekaboo, just to name a few. About a month ago, it was animals and their sounds all. day. long. He really does have quite a vocabulary, saying more words than I can count right now. We talk a lot at our house. I’m thinking he picks it up because we are always describing things to Elena, talking about things we hear, asking Elena questions and reading lots of books. When you have one visually impaired, non-verbal child, you reallllly talk things out! I think Cal picks up on all that. I won’t lie though, every single time he says “Mommy” or “Daddy” I tear up a little. You have no idea how sweet those words truly are. Our favorites right now are hearing him say “Mickey Mouse” and “Peekaboo, I see you!”. The way he says it is simply adorable. Even though he says them 100 times a day, it still makes me smile.
To Chad’s delight, Cal has really been working on his golf swing. He received a little Fisher Price set for his birthday back in April. It’s pretty cute to watch him line up the ball and “tee off”! Chad shows him how to do it, and he mimics him. That being said, he mimics everything. Everything!
He “helps” put lotion on Elena after her bath.
Or sweeps when I’m running the vacuum.
Or cooks when I cook.
Or cleans when I clean.
Or helps put Elena’s boots on in the morning before school.
Or “mows” when Daddy is mowing.
Or “waters the flowers” when we do.
The list goes on and on. And he repeats everything we say. Everything. (no more potty mouth at the Hinton house, we quickly learned our lesson!) He loves getting Sis on the bus with me in the morning and is quick to say “AMEN!” after prayers at night. He is such a precious little thing who fills our day with lots of smiles. We love you sweet Calvin Merrick!