11 months down, 1 to go! How can this be? Our little guy is definitely acting more and more like a toddler. I can’t believe how fast he’s grown, especially these last few months. Cal, he is such our little entertainer.
This month he has been ON THE MOVE. He pushes his little elephant walker everywhere all.day.long. He has figured out how to change directions with it in the last couple weeks. Before, he would push it until he ran into a wall, then cry until we would flip it around. Thankfully, now he will just walk around the side and take off again. Yesterday, I swear he did this all morning until he napped, then all afternoon until he napped again. Toys are useless to him right now unless he can use them to walk across the room! It’s the best to watch him giggle as he and the blue elephant chase me. Though the elephant is his favorite “mover”, he doesn’t discriminate. He pushes our counter stools, Elena’s wheelchair, dining room chairs, ottomans, Elena’s therapy equipment. If he can push it, he will. The Jackson Center is his little slice of heaven because there are approximately 10 walkers of varying sizes all lined up just waiting for him to take advantage of. You can see him in action in the video below. What a little wild man.
He has really developed a love for Pete lately, though I don’t think it is quite reciprocated yet. Cal loves to climb into Pete’s dog bed, stare out the patio door with Pete, climb on him, pull his ears, poke his nose, jingle his dog tags and chew Pete’s toys. His favorite, well both their favorites, is meal time. Cal often does a “one for me, one for Pete” routine with his finger foods. The food barely hits the floor. Just this week Cal started a less-hygienic way of feeding Pete by holding food in his hand and simply holding it out for Pete to eat out of his hand. Then of course, this Pete slobbered hand goes right back into Cal’s mouth…totally disgusting. The other favorite thing Cal loves to do with his food is rub it into his hair. The worst is avocado. Green everywhere. I guess this is probably only the beginnings of dealing with a messy boy. Yay?
We’ve loved being entertained by our busy little boy. Elena loves every noise he makes and often rolls with laughter at him. He is often curious about her, especially her g-tube, which gives me nightmares about him getting hold of it…ahh!
I can’t believe an entire year has almost passed with our little guy. It has been so amazing to watch him grow and change. I love watching his personality emerge. He’s brought us 11 months of pure joy and what a celebration next month will bring!
This picture perfectly describes their relationship at the moment (mealtime excluded).
His official 11 month photo, drool and all!

Cal’s favorite thing to do at the Jackson Center